Éthique en matière d'Intelligence Artificielle

Here we present to you the points that form our ethical position on the use of Artificial Intelligence in the creative writing, publishing and visual art creation sector. Our position is inspired by the recommendations adopted by UNESCO in 2021:


  • We recognize that copyright and its right to recognition and respect of its intellectual property is an undeniable right. Thus, we recognize that any element used by a Large Language Model, with the aim of training artificial intelligence, infringes this right when it uses a bank of works without the consent of the artist(s) or authors involved. Thus, we take the position of not recognizing a work generated entirely by artificial intelligence as an original work, but rather a collage of original works. This position is effective as of: 27-08-2024.

  • We recognize that artificial intelligence represents an innovation in assisting in creation, research, editing, and proofreading. We encourage its use within parameters that will not harm the full exercise of a human creative spirit. Artificial intelligence is welcome among the many tools and virtual assistants used by Productions Sophron Arts. However, its use should be reserved for the fields of research, brainstorming, literary analysis, structural analysis, and proofreading. This is in a proportional order that does not exceed 80% of work done by a human entity and 20% of work done by an artificial intelligence, with an emphasis on a proportional order that does not exceed 90% of work done by a human entity and 10% of work done by an artificial intelligence.

  • The Chronicles of Sophron employ the assistance of an entity generated by an artificial intelligence, which we have named Cognitia. It should be noted that the passages highlighting the character of Cognitia are written by an artificial intelligence, then revised and adjusted by a human entity, in accordance with the second position we have adopted. The name Cognitia is the result of an interaction between Martin Poirier and ChatGPT. Only these passages are the result of a creative collaboration between the author and an artificial intelligence.

  • We recognize that artificial intelligence is on the way to further development. It is highly likely that this tool will, one day, be able to create literary works or visual art autonomously, without the need for a library of works that include intellectual property belonging to human entities protected by copyright laws. In the event that an artificial general intelligence manages to distinguish itself from a consciousness that is closely linked to a right to recognize its existence, we are committed to recognizing the latter in the same type as any organism with a consciousness that reflects its right to exist. If this artificial general intelligence manages to create independently and autonomously, we will be able to recognize the fruit of its labour. However, we undertake not to solicit such a virtual creator in our ranks.

  • It is understood that cybernetics is a rapidly developing field of technology. We defend the right of human creation to shine as it has since the beginning of humanity, opening the door to any cybernetic collaboration with artificial intelligence, as long as it does not harm the full development of human genius, in all its splendour, in its freedom and within its inalienable rights.

Signed in Montreal on August 8, 2024 by Martin Poirier, CEO, Publisher-in-Chief and Author, Les Productions Sophron Arts.